Many #MyositisWarriors report feeling that as soon as we get one symptom or cluster of symptoms under control, more “pop up.” It can feel like a cruel game of Whack-a-Mole!
You remember that game, back in your younger days, when you went to carnivals and held a huge padded mallet to smash down the moles as they rapidly emerged from the holes in a wildly decorated platform? Well, that’s how futile and frustrating it can be to have symptom after symptom arise, unrelentingly.
Often these symptoms are not only an indication of a myositis “flare,” meaning an increase in disease activity, but sometimes new symptoms mean an emergence of overlap of other conditions. This is common in autoimmune diseases.
Many of us dream of having years, months, or even, weeks of a break without new emerging symptoms and/or conditions.
But don’t take our word for it. Check out these resources: