Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - #MyositisLIFE

Frequently Asked Questions

Help videos are coming soon.

How do I comment, vote, and/or react to a post?

In order to comment, vote, and/or react to a post, you must be a registered user and be logged in to your account.

Each interaction helps the performance of a post. The more interactions, the better the post will perform and ultimately reach more readers.


There are two options for commenting on a post. You can use the standard blog comments or Facebook comments. Facebook comments allow you to share your comments directly to Facebook, as well as on the actual post itself.


Each post has a share bar that includes an up arrow. Click the arrow to cast your vote for the post.


Each post contains a “reaction” section. You can cast two (2) reactions per post, per day. Choose the reactions that strike you first.

Share the post with your social networking sites, family members, friends, on your blog, via email, and anywhere else you feel it will make an impact.

How does a post get a Popular or Trending status?


A post will get a status of Popular based on the greatest number of views in a 30 day period.


A post will get a status of Trending based on the greatest number of views in a 24 hour period.

What is a Story?

Sounds like a silly question, right?

For #MyositisLIFE, stories are short essays (250-350 words is encouraged, but you can write up to 600 words) or poems based on topic prompts or your experience with myositis. They should be true, rather than fictional.

Remember the following:

    • Stories should not be too long. If it is over 600 words, editors might need to shorten it.
    • Stories should clearly connect to myositis and your experience based on a topic and not your entire myositis story.
    • Stories should not be used to promote or sell products or services.
    • If you are using evidence, please include a link to the source(s) you are using. If you include factual information with no link for the editors to verify, we may not be able to publish it. Please use reputable sources when writing for #MyositisLIFE.

What is a Meme?

A Meme is defined as “a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.” For us, it doesn’t have to be funny as long as it rings true.

Memes are a way you can share something quickly. As part of creating your Meme on the #MyositisLIFE website, we do require you include a brief description of the experience expressed by the Meme.

What helps make a post effective?

Effective contributions will address one topic without necessarily detailing your entire experience with myositis. We welcome nonfiction (true) stories and poems, videos, memes, and images about your experiences!

Make sure your contribution is respectful and doesn’t focus on one person’s actions and thoughts negatively. Always consider how to address negative interactions constructively. For example, if you had a bad interaction with a doctor or a medical practice, consider ways that they could improve rather than focusing on their negative actions.

Who owns my content?

You! If you decide to share your post with another platform, we do ask that you link back to the original post on our site.

Will my post be shared publicly?

Yes. Remember that anything published on the #MyositisLife website is public, and if you include your full name, it will be searchable on the internet.

Consider your privacy and the privacy of your loved ones when submitting!

I want to submit a piece but not using my full name?

Full name is the default author display setting. However, we can post your piece under the MSU account for anonymity.

The first step is to submit the piece through your account by registering and clicking Compose.  Add a note at the top of your story to please publish anonymously. Or, email your article, image, and a title for the post to

Will my post be edited?

Depending on the submission, our editors may make some minor changes to improve readability. This includes adding paragraph breaks, correcting typos, and revising for spelling errors and basic grammar.

Editors may change the title if needed to better highlight the topic for better search results.

If we feel there are substantial edits, we will contact you via email and work with you so your voice is never lost in edits.

What if I feel I don't write well?

Your writing level is not what is important. Getting your story out is.

We will work with you to make edits to make the most of your experience you want to share.

The first step is to submit your post. Once an editor reviews it, and if they feel there are substantial edits, we will contact you to move forward.

What information do I need to submit content?

Submitters are required to register on the #MyositisLIFE website. We prefer you post under your full name, but contact us if you’d like to be published under a “guest author” so the post is anonymized.

  • All submissions should have a clear connection to myositis and #MyositisLIFE
  • All submissions have the option to include an image that will be used as a featured image for the submission. For more information on submitting images for your post, see the submitting images section.
  • Submission category of patient experience or a caregiver experience.
  • Input 2-3 tags that represent your story. Tags are more specific keywords that can organize posts by topic. You can include words like “polymyositis,” “dermatomyositis,” or “mental health.” We may also add tags after you submit to better categorize for search.
  • Create a title that represents your post. Short titles work best. We may edit the title to better highlight your post.
  • Write a very short summary (excerpt of about 50 characters), of what your submission is about. Editors may change this if needed to better highlight on the website.

What image file types can I submit?

You can use .png, .jpeg and .gif files only.

What video files can I submit?

We currently do not allow direct video uploads. To submit a video, first, upload it to a video service such as YouTube or Vimeo.

Once you have the video link, that is what you will provide during the video submission.

Uploading to YouTube

Uploading to Vimeo

Can I use copyrighted photos?

If you do not own the photo you are uploading to #MyositisLife, you must credit the author and provide a link. There is a box titled “via” that you will check during submission that will provide the input boxes for the information needed.

When will my submission appear on the website?

After you submit your post, an editor will review it before posting. Our goal is to make as few edits as needed to make your post the most successful it can be.

Editors review for the following:

  • Grammar, spelling, and typos: We want to make sure your post is ready for our website! To do this, we will edit the post for issues in grammar, spelling, and typos. If this is the only thing that needs to be done on your submission, it will be posted without being returned to you.
  • Offensive content, nudity, and hate speech: We do not allow offensive content, nudity, and/or hate speech. Including this content will result in an automatic rejection of your submission.
  • Reputable Sources: We want #MyositisLIFE to be a resource for people with myositis and people hoping to do research on myositis. The information here should be as reputable as possible, so please include the links to your sources in your post. If the source you are using isn’t reliable, we may ask you to revise your submission.
  • Other editorial concerns: Editors may need to review other elements of your post. This may include the length and appropriateness of the submission. If we have concerns, we will contact you.

We will not change major elements of the submission without checking with you first. Submissions with little need for editing will be posted as soon as possible. Depending on the number of submissions we receive at a given time, it may take up to 72 hours to review a post and publish it.

Help information for submitting your content

Below we walk you through the submission process for each format type. You must be a registered contributing author and logged in to your account.

You may submit your post, image, or video link along with a title via email if you prefer not to submit the post using the Compose tool. Email the information to

Submitting a Story

Follow these steps:

  1. Click “Compose” at the top of the site (this button is also found in other locations) and choose the Story Format.
  2. Add a thumbnail image. This will be the featured image for the Story. Rectangle-shaped images work best with the sizing of 1200×630 pixels. The maximum upload size is 4MB.
  3. Choose Category.
  4. Enter 2-3 tags (more specific keywords). Begin typing and those already available will autofill. If yours isn’t available, enter it anyway.
  5. Enter the title of your Story. (Short, concise titles work best).
  6. Enter a brief description (excerpt) of your Story. This should provide an overview of what the reader should expect.
  7. Click the Via checkbox to add source URL and name if needed.
  8. Write your Story, or copy and paste it from your original.
    1. This box provides standard word processing-type options. Format your Story as you would like it to appear on the website.
    2. These options allow you to create lists (always a great blog feature), additional images, quotes, and hyperlinks.
  9. To preview first click Save Draft and then click Preview.
  10. Remember to click Publish when you are ready to submit to an editor.

Any saved Drafts can be found under your Profile > Submissions.

Submitting a Video

Short videos are welcome! A suggested length for the video is 2-3 minutes, with 5 minutes max.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click “Compose” at the top of the site (this button is also found in other locations) and choose the Video Format.
  2. Add a thumbnail image. This will be the featured image for the Video post. Rectangle-shaped images work best with the sizing of 1200×630 pixels. The maximum upload size is 4MB.
  3. Choose Category.
  4. Enter 2-3 tags (more specific keywords). Begin typing and those already available will autofill. If yours isn’t available, enter it anyway.
  5. Enter a title for your Video. (Short, concise titles work best).
  6. Check the Except box and enter a very brief description of the Video.
  7. Preface – If you wish to add content at the top of the post, before the Video, enter it in the preface box.
  8. Paste the Embed link for your video.
  9. Enter a brief description (excerpt) of your Video. This should provide an overview of what the viewer should expect.
    1. This box provides word processing-type options. Format the description as you would like it to appear on the website.
    2. These options also allow you to add additional images, quotes, and hyperlinks.
  10. If the video or image you are using is not yours and needs to be credited to the owner, click the Via box. Enter the link in the URL field. Enter the name of the copyright owner.
  11. To preview, click Save Draft and then click Preview.
  12. Remember to click Publish when you are ready to submit to an editor.

Any saved Drafts can be found under your Profile > Submissions.

Creating a Meme

You can create Memes directly on the #MyositisLIFE site. Memes should tell a story about a topic.


  • Memes should not include nudity or offensive symbols. Editors reserve the right to reject Memes that include offensive symbols or hate speech.
  • If there are people in your photos used for a Meme, consider getting their permission before sharing.
  • Posts should never be submitted for promoting or selling products and services.
  • Memes should tell a story about your #MyositisLIFE. Memes without a story in the description field will be returned.

Follow these steps to submit an Image post:

  1. Click “Compose” at the top of the site (this button is also found in other locations) and choose the Meme Format.
  2. Choose Category.
  3. Enter 2-3 tags (more specific keywords). Begin typing and those already available will autofill. If yours isn’t available, enter it anyway.
  4. Select an image we provide or upload your own.
  5. Images formats allowed include png, jpg, or gif format. The maximum upload size is 4MB.
  6. Above the image, enter a title for your Meme post. (Short, concise titles work best).
  7. Check the Except box and enter a very brief description for the Meme post.
  8. Preface – If you wish to add content at the top of the post, before the Meme, enter it in the preface box.
  9. Edit the Meme text:
    1. To activate editing tools, click on the placeholder text (top and bottom).
    2. To replace the text, ensure the text box is selected by clicking on it, and start typing.
    3. These tools allow you to change fonts, colors, and more.
  10. Enter a description for your Meme post.
    1. This is where you will tell the story that your Meme represents.
    2. This box provides word processing-type options. Format the description as you would like it to appear on the website.
    3. These options also allow you to add additional images, quotes, and hyperlinks.
  11. If the image you upload needs to be credited to the owner, click the Via box (located under the Image). Enter the link in the URL field. Enter the name of the copyright owner. (This not applicable if you are using images we provide)
  12. To preview, click Save Draft and then click Preview.
  13. Remember to click Publish when you are ready to submit to an editor.

Any saved Drafts can be found under your Profile > Submissions.

Submitting a Image

Images are welcome! These can be photos of you and your life, or they can be photos of artwork you create.


  • Images should not include nudity and offensive symbols. Editors reserve the right to reject images that include offensive symbols or hate speech.
  • If there are multiple people in your image, consider getting their permission before sharing.
  • Images should tell a story about your #MyositisLIFE. Images without a story in the description field will be returned.

Follow these steps to submit an Image post:

  1. Click “Compose” at the top of the site (this button is also found in other locations) and choose the Image Format.
  2. Choose Category.
  3. Enter 2-3 tags (more specific keywords). Begin typing and those already available will autofill. If yours isn’t available, enter it anyway.
  4. Select image to upload in png, jpg, or gif format. The maximum upload size is 4MB.
  5. Above the image, enter a title for your Image post. (Short, concise titles work best).
  6. Check the Except box and enter a very brief description for the Image post.
  7. Preface – If you wish to add content at the top of the post, before the Image, enter it in the preface box.
  8. Enter a description for your Image post.
    1. This box provides word processing-type options. Format the description as you would like it to appear on the website.
    2. These options also allow you to add additional images, quotes, and hyperlinks.
  9. If the Image you are using needs to be credited to the owner, click the Via box (located under the Image). Enter the link in the URL field. Enter the name of the copyright owner.
  10. To preview, click Save Draft and then click Preview.
  11. Remember to click Publish when you are ready to submit to an editor.

Any saved Drafts can be found under your Profile > Submissions.

User account help

Find below some frequent topics regarding your user account.

Do I need to register for #MyositisLife and the MSU website?

The short answer is yes, we believe you will find value in both.

  1. While MSU owns and operates both websites, the registration information is not shared between the two. We hope to include this feature down the road.
  2. Registration roughly takes 1-2 minutes.

Visit our comprehensive myositis website and register for your free official Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU) membership at

Trouble registering

The two most prominent issues are:

  1. The username you have selected is already in use. Try typing a different username.
  2. The email address you entered is already registered. You may have already registered using the email address you entered. Try resetting your password. Or, contact us for more help.

How do I edit my profile information?

All profile information and settings for your account are listed in a drop-down menu under your profile image:

  1. Usernames cannot be changed.
  2. To update your name, diagnosis, country, and biography, click on Profile > Edit.
  3. To update your email address and/or password, click on Settings > General.

Choose A Format
Formatted Text with Embeds and Visuals
Youtube and Vimeo Embeds
Photo or GIF