
  • Jerry Williams posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago

    @cajungirl4life Hi Kelley and welcome to #MyositisLIFE. Thank you for joining this new and growing site. My name is Jerry Williams and I was diagnosed with polymyositis 18 years ago after an almost 4-year battle for a diagnosis, which has since been corrected to dermatomyositis by some of my doctors. I am the Founder and President of Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU), the patient-led nonprofit of which this program was built. We are working to expand and build this site and we thank you for being involved. I will be in touch soon. Best, Jerry

    • Hi Jerry! So sorry for the really late response. But, you know how this crazy disease goes. One day you’re fine, the next, not so much. Plus, I started my first Rituxan infusion last Friday which had me down for a good week. Next one is this Friday and then I go 6 months before the next 2. Thank you for the warm welcome and I’m glad to be here.

      • @cajungirl4life Yes, I do understand completely. I truly hope Rituxan is the answer for you! Btw, your articles are amazing! I am waiting to publish your next soon and I hope you will continue writing with us. Your words in the one currently published, I felt so weird reading my own experiences, insecurity, not being the person they agreed to marry, etc., written someone else. Anyway, I hope you feel better, although I know how that goes too. Talk soon. My best.