Myositis Mask Memes - #MyositisLIFE

Share your myositis mask meme with awareness message

High Fives for Sharing!

We are using Myositis Mask Memes and images to share a short message as it relates to the MSU theme, High Fives from the Heart: #MyositisLIFE in a Pandemic World. Share yours today!

Corbus Pharma, , a sponsor of Myositis Support and Understanding (MSU) and #MyositisLIFE
Sponsored by Corbus Pharmaceuticals

Corbus Pharmaceuticals is focused on the development and commercialization of novel therapeutics by harnessing its platform of endocannabinoid system-targeting drug candidates. The company’s lead product candidate, lenabasum, is designed to resolve inflammation, limit fibrosis and support tissue repair. Lenabasum is not approved for the treatment of dermatomyositis.

Learn more about the clinical trial for dermatomyositis

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