
  • Lory G Cully became a registered member 4 years, 7 months ago

    • Hi Lory and welcome to #MyositisLIFE. Thank you for joining this new and growing site. My name is Jerry Williams and I was diagnosed with polymyositis 18 years ago after an almost 4-year battle for a diagnosis, which has since been corrected to dermatomyositis by some of my doctors. I am the Founder and President of Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU), the patient-led nonprofit of which this program was built. We are working to expand and build this site more and thank you for being involved. My Best, Jerry

      • Hi jerry,
        Thank you for your reply. It also was a long battle for me. it has taken 5 years and a lot of misdiagnosis. One dermatologist finally did some blood test and refer me to rheumatology. it was nurse who recommended a
        doctor who deals in rare disease. she has a rare disease herself. its has been really hard. I am really sensitive to
        meds. so haven’t found anything I can tolerate.
        i can deal with the rashes. i have had light sensitivity for ten years. which has gotten worse. lost a lot of people
        because of it. who want to be in the dark with someone all the time. I have one real friend left. she doesn’t mind
        making a room dark for bit . So I can visit her. what hurt the most was losing someone I thought I knew for thirty years. it was to depressing for her. LIKE WHAT! Try living this way. Now it the vampire life.

      • @nicetee So great that you have a friend that is willing to deal with the darkness. Losing friendships is something I know all too well. Over the 18 years I have been living with myositis, I have learned who my true friends are and my Mom always told me growing up that one day I would. Please know you have me, us. We understand.

      • thank you for the welcome. I heard that saying too. how true. it is nice to feel understood. Flare up days.
        they can be so painful. sometimes just have to do nothing and rest. Thanks again.