Getting Started

compose your article to submit for review

2. Your Profile

Things change from time-to-time, or we make typos. No worries. You can access your profile to make edits, as well as update a host of other #MyositisLIFE account options.

The Profile tab is where you can edit your personal information, add/edit a biography, add or update a profile or profile cover image, add your social media accounts, and more.

To visit your Profile, log in and click on (or hover over for more menu options) your user profile image, found at the very top of this site, located next to the black Compose button.

Edit your profile and bio information

To edit your personal information and biography, click Edit in the Profile tab.


Edit your profile information


Add your public social networking accounts

If you are like us, you are happy to provide your experiences publicly to help promote a better understanding of and more research for myositis. This is a grassroots advocacy and awareness effort; one that also helps other myositis patients understand that they are not alone and can find the support they need. We thank you for your willingness to share.

Adding your social networking accounts will allow us to mention or tag you in the post of yours we share.


Add social networks

Upload a profile photo

Personalize your #MyositisLIFE contributing author account by adding a profile image. This image, along with your name, will be displayed with your published articles as the author’s photo. A photo of yourself is recommended, not a meme or generic photo.


Profile overview, uploading a profile image