Finding my happy place with IBM

Having a disease like IBM has made doing almost everything I once took for granted very challenging. Here is how I have managed to keep one activity in my life.

Life with inclusion body myositis (IBM) is difficult; there are no two ways about it!

I am 63 and was diagnosed with polymyositis 20 years ago.  But, my diagnosis was revised to  IBM in 2013.

I first got a guitar when I was 12, for Christmas of 1968. I went to college, got married and had two kids, and I worked in educational television, all the while playing guitar.

In 2004 I started having trouble standing and playing, and would usually find a bar stool to sit on when I needed to. In 2010 I went on disability from work but kept playing when I could. I bought a few kitchen bar stools and started pretty much sitting the whole time I’d be playing.

It was about this time that it got increasingly harder for me to pack my amp and guitars, and by about 2015 I transitioned to a wheelchair most of the time.


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